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Job Description

  Key Accountabilities:1)    Conduct driller at project locations for obtaining samples for soil investigation.2)    Perform drilling duties as specified by technical parameters and within the specific time limits.3)    Handle and store all samples as per the Company’s procedure and standards.4)    Undertake all drilling operations (drilling, coring, sampling, grouting) according to the Company’s HSE policies and local regulations, as communicated by superiors and as dictated by common sense.5)    Inform Site Supervisors about all drilling information and events on site, so that they can be logged accurately by the responsible person.6)    Immediately inform a Superior or Senior team member in case of any difficulty in doing the work as specified.7)    Ensure that drilling tools of correct specifications are available in good working condition.8)    Store and keep drilling tools and equipment clean and in good working condition from the time of project mobilisation until demobilisation.9)    Ensure that all faults, breakage or malfunctioning of tools are immediately reported to the Site Supervisor.10)  As a member of the site team, work in complete coordination and cooperation with other employees.11)  Coach new employees if asked to do so.Qualifications required:Not essential. General schooling with relevant Technical / Trade School certificate preferred.Skills / experience required to do the job:Ability to do routine drilling activities on shore or near shore / off shore without need for guidance. Good sense of handling a drill and related equipment in different types of soils and environ mental conditions. Fully understand the implications for all major symbols used for Technical guidance and for HSE issues on site. Required physical strength and manual dexterity to use drilling equipment.Role specific competencies required:Able to read simple English words and wrote down simple log entries eg numbers in English.